Friday, September 27, 2024

Episode 134: Chari Hawkins


           Chari Hawkins sat down with me to talk about her twenty-year-long journey to realizing her dream of making it to the Olympics. She made it at the age of 33. We talked about the importance of perseverance and determination despite obstacles, her loving marriage with her husband, Charles, and her desire to inspire others to chase their dreams without giving up.

           Please enjoy the 134th episode of Lament of Hope highlighting Chari Hawkins. Chari, thank you for sharing part of your life story with me. It is an inspiration to me to see someone work so hard to achieve their dreams despite hard obstacles. 

          Want to listen to the audio version of this interview? Click here to check out my podcast format and give it a listen.

Tuesday, September 24, 2024

Episode 133: Arie Camp


           It was such a gift for me to connect with Jeremy Camp's daughter, Arie Camp, during her time in England. Arie sat down with me to talk about her heart for worship and serving the Lord. We talked about her newest song, "Lucky You," which has become a favorite on my Spotify playlist. We also discussed what it is like growing up as a Christian teen in our cultural climate, and what struggles Arie personally faces.

           Please enjoy the 133rd episode of Lament of Hope highlighting Arie Camp. Arie, thank you for being vulnerable about your struggles and desires. It was a pleasure for me to get a glimpse into your life story. 

          Want to listen to the audio version of this interview? Click here to check out my podcast format and give it a listen.

Friday, September 20, 2024

Episode 132: Francine Rivers


           It was a gift for me to talk with Francine about her journey to a relationship with Christ, her days alongside her beloved husband suffering from Parkinson's disease, and her thoughts on Redeeming Love, both the novel and the film.

           Please enjoy the 132nd episode of Lament of Hope highlighting Francine Rivers. Francine, thank you so much for sharing your life journey with me. It was an encouragement to me to see how God has used you to encourage others through your writing and your love for your husband. 

          Want to listen to the audio version of this interview? Click here to check out my podcast format and give it a listen.

Tuesday, September 17, 2024

Episode 131: Brian Reisinger


           Brian Reisinger recently published a book entitled Land Rich, Cash Poor in which he shares his own experience as a farmer's son and the struggles of farming communities across rural America. I learned so much from Brian about the current crisis in rural America, and I highly encourage my viewers to watch this interview to learn more about the silent cries of the farming community.

           Please enjoy the 131st episode of Lament of Hope highlighting Brian Reisinger. Brian, thank you for writing about and advocating for the needs of rural America. It is always a gift for me to connect with an individual being a voice for the voiceless in our society. 

          Want to listen to the audio version of this interview? Click here to check out my podcast format and give it a listen.

Friday, September 13, 2024

Episode 130: Erica Wessels

           I was introduced to Erica Wessels' acting through the Netflix film I Am All Girls in which she portrays a government agent seeking to rescue children from sex trafficking. Erica and I talked about her desire to portray vulnerable and human characters, the entertainment industry in South Africa, and her journey with infertility.

           Please enjoy the 130th episode of Lament of Hope highlighting Erica Wessels. Erica, thank you for sharing a part of your life journey with me. It was such a pleasure to connect! 

          Want to listen to the audio version of this interview? Click here to check out my podcast format and give it a listen.

Tuesday, September 10, 2024

Episode 129: Michael Learned


           Michael Learned sat down with me several weeks ago to talk about her life story. We talked about her upbringing, the Waltons, her marriages, and how she needs to write a memoir. This was one of my favorite interviews by far. Michael Learned and Karen Grassle are my top TV moms. 

           Please enjoy the 129th episode of Lament of Hope highlighting Michael Learned. Michael, thank you for such a delightful and honest interview. 

          Want to listen to the audio version of this interview? Click here to check out my podcast format and give it a listen.

Friday, September 6, 2024

Episode 128: Kaitlan Gossage


           Kaitlan and Janson Gossage were married in September of 2023. Janson began experiencing knee pain upon returning from their honeymoon. In less than five months, Janson was diagnosed with an aggressive form of leukemia. Kaitlan sat down with me to talk about their heart-wrenching journey thus far, and the incredible strength God has given both her and Janson to persevere in the face of pain and dark days.

           Please enjoy the 128th episode of Lament of Hope highlighting Kaitlan Gossage. Kaitlan, you and Janson are an inspiration and a picture of eternal hope.  

          Want to listen to the audio version of this interview? Click here to check out my podcast format and give it a listen.

Tuesday, September 3, 2024

Episode 127: Alison Gibson

           Olympic diver, Alison Gibson, sat down with me last week to talk about the day she became big news for failing the women's springboard 3-meter competition at the Paris 2024 Olympics. Alison's feet hit the diving board, breaking her form, and she fell hands and feet first into the pool. Alison shares her thoughts and feelings that day in a vulnerable and transparent interview.

           Please enjoy the 127th episode of Lament of Hope highlighting Alison Gibson. Thank you, Alison, for being an example of courage, strength, and hope to young people around the world. 

          Want to listen to the audio version of this interview? Click here to check out my podcast format and give it a listen.